Attalea cuatrecasana (Dugand) A.J.Hend., Galeano & R.Bernal

  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province

    Valle del Cauca

  • County/Municipio

    Buenaventura Mun.

  • Locality

    Corregimiento de Puerto Patiño, estacion Experimental del Bajo Calima, 15 min upriver Rio Calima by motorboat from Puerto Patiño

  • Elevation

    Alt. 35 m. (115 ft.)

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

New York Botanical Garden
Attalea cuatrecasana (Dugand) Henderson, Galeano & Bernal
det. A. Henderson, 2012
Acaulescent, palm, petiole 1.5m; rachis 6.3m long*, 95
pinnae per side; basal pinnae 83 x 1 cm; middle pinnae
1.25m x 7.5 cm; apical pinnae 33 cm x 1.5 cm wide.
Pinnae fused at apical 1.5m of rachis, abaxial surface
+ rust colored. Leaf No. 2 petiole 1.59 m long,
rachis 5.5m long, 94-95 pinnae per side; basal pinnae
71 cm x 1-5 cm; middle pinnae 1.22 m x 7.5 cm; apical
pinnae 33.5 cm x 1.5 cm. Pinnae regularly deposited
along the rachis in 1 plane. Panicle No. 1 upright,
with 23 fruits + developed; weights (gm) » 172, 580,
774, 738, 642, 590, 694, 704, 560, 650, 614, 544, 590,
822, 690, 634, 716, 706, 806, 56, 664, 696, 58, 376 ,
24, 646, 652, 528. Panicle No. 2 with 24 fruits
weighing (gms) 944, 102, 944, 854, 860, 948, 854, 856,
850, 924, 934, 1000+, 364, 166, 32, 112, 556, 208,
':80, 300, 266, 414, 486.
Common name: "Taparo"
Habitat: In lowland area near stream, grey—brown,
clay goil.
Location: Colombia: Dpt. Valle de Cauca, Mun. de
Buenaventura, Corregimiento de Puerto Patino, Estación
Experimental del Bajo Calima (15 min upriver Rio
Calima) by motorboat from Puerto Patino* Elev. 35 m.
Use: Edible fruits. Crack open when fully ripe to
consume endosperm, or drink liquid endosperm to quench
Coll. M.J. Balick, L.E. Forero P., S.R. King, N.
Hernandez. 13 Jul 1984.
Fieldwork supported by U.S. Agency for International
Development and the Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation,
with the collaboration of the Jardin Botanico "Joaqu
Antonio Uribe1’ in Medellin.