Juncus balticus Willd.

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    Juncus balticus Willd.

Herbarium of U. C. Riverside (UCR)
Plants of San Bernardino County, California, USA
Juncus balticus Willd.
San Bernardino MtnsHigli Meadow Springs, at the head of a
canyon on S-facing slc»pé of the ridge west of Dollar Lake Saddle
and Mt San Gorgonio, upper end of meadow (San Gorgonio Mtn.
7.5’ Q.: 34°07.481'N, 116°52.007'W, ±100m; TIN &1E S34).
Alt.: 3095m/1015Qft. .Wet meadow with dense turf oyer finé dark
loam held in place, despite fairly steep slopes of canyon bottom
and sides, by extensive network of roots; springs feeding small
streams that irrigate meadow; assoc, with grasses, Carex spp.,
Juncus spp., Mimulus guttatus, Rumex salicifolius, Potentilla,
Trifolium wormskioldii, T. monanthum, etc.; surroundinjfary .
slopes with lodgepole pine forest with sparse understory of
Penstemon caesius, Carex rossii, etc. No woody plants in center
of meadow. ,
Common rhizomaious perennial in wet meadow ; local dense
colonies in turf.
A.C. Sanders 37132
w/ PJ. MacKay, Tim Thomas
31 Jul 2ÖÖ9
Entered into ÙGR Database (6X116UCkl)