Odonthalia floccosa (Esper) Falkenb.
Filed As
Odonthalia floccosa (Esper) Falkenb. -
NY Barcode: 02347578
Occurrence ID: cbdb5dce-320c-477a-a689-9a1c3b26ebba
Exsiccatae Number: 35
All Determinations
PLANTAE EXSICCATAE UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE — ALGAE Fasciculus II JANCZEWSKIA GARDNER! Setchell et Guernsey, in Setchell, 1914: 12. SYN.: Janczewskia verrucaeformis Nott, 1897, p. 83. Growing (parasitically?) on Laurencia spectabilis Postéis and Ru- precht in the lower intertidal zone. West Beach, near Partridge Point, on the west side of Whidbey Island, Washington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°14'N. Long. 122°46'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus up to 10 mm. in diameter, pale pink in colour, forming an irregularly shaped cushion with cylindrical tuberculate out- growths. LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 13 August 1955 (No. 69). DET.: Robert F. Scagel. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 02347576 NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN PLANTAE EXSICCATAE AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series — ALGAE Fasciculus II 34. PRASIOLA MERIDIONALIS Setchell et Gardner, 1920a: 291, Growing on exposed rocks immediately above the intertidal zone. Goose Island, at the south entrance to San Juan Channel, Wash- ington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°27'N. Long. 122°57'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus deep green in colour, up to 8 mm. high with a snort broad stipe expanding into a cordate Rattened blade. £££*•* £obert F- Scagel, 21 June 1955 (No. 5). DET.: Robert F. Scagel. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 02347577 NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN PLANTAE EXSICCATAE AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series —ALGAE Fasciculus II . / 35. ODONTHALIA FLOCCOSA (Esper) Falkenberg, 1901: 607. SYN.: Fucus floccosus Esper, 1797-1802, p. 42, pi. 130; Rhodomela floccosa (Esper) C. Agardh, 1822, p. 376; Odonthalia aleutica Butler and Polley, in Collins, Holden and Setchell, 1903, XXIII, No. 1147. Growing on rocks in the lower intertidal and upper subtidal zones. Goose Island, at the south entrance to San Juan Channel, Wash- ington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°27'N. Long. 122°57'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus up to 35 cm. high, distichously branched, branches cylindrical to slightly compressed, about 1 mm. diameter; dark reddish brown to black in colour. LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 21 June 1955 (No. 10). DET.: Robert F. Scagel. NEW YORK BOTANICAL I GARDEN PLANTAE EXSICCATAE WAB* UNTvERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series -— ALGAE Fasciculus II NEW YORK BOTANICJ GARDEfv 36. COILODESME CALIFORNICA (Ruprecht) Kjellman, 1889a: 4. SYN.: Adenocystis californica Ruprecht, 1851, p. 291; Asperococcus sinuosus Anderson, 1891, p. 220; Coilodesme amplissima Setchell, 1912, p. 232. Growing epiphytically on Cystoseira geminata C. Agardh in the lower intertidal and upper subtidal zones. Goose Island, near the entrance to San Juan Channel, Washington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°27'N Long. 122°57'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus up to 30 cm. high; a linear or obovate flattened sac with a short cylindrical stipe; attached by a small discoid holdfast; light brown in colour. LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 21 June 1955 (No. 12). DET.: Robert F. Scagel. BOTANICAL GARDEN NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN PLANTAE EXSICCATAE AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series — ALGAE Fasciculus II 37. BANGIA FUSCOPURPUREA (Dillwyn) Lyngbye, 1819: 83. SYN.: Conferva fuscopurpurea Dillwyn, 1807, p. 54, pi. 92; Bangia atropurpurea subsp. fuscopurpurea DeToni, 1897, p. 11. Growing on rocks and piling in the upper intertidal zone. Near Friday Harbor, Washington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°32'N. Long. 123°l'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus unbranched, filamentous, attached by a rhizoidal holdfast; aggregated into dense mats; filaments up to 15 cm. long, uniser- iate in basal region, distally becoming differentiated into radially divided segments; brownish red to black in colour. LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 1 July 1955 (No. 17). NEW YORK DET.: Robert F. Scagel. BOTANICAL, GARDEN NEW YORK BOTANICAL (jAHUcim 02347580 02347576 02347577 02347578 02347580 02347579
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Odonthalia floccosa (Esper) Falkenb.