Rhodoglossum affine (Harv.) Kylin
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Rhodoglossum affine (Harv.) Kylin -
NY Barcode: 02347572
Occurrence ID: b67eb393-75fe-4a47-bb1f-366162270f7a
Exsiccatae Number: 31
All Determinations
PLANTAE EXSICCATAE ___ A „ AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series — ALGAE Fasciculus II 26. COILODESME BULLIGERA Stroemfelt, 1886: 48. Growing on rocks in the lower intertidal zone. Kanaka Bay, on the west side of San Juan Island, Washington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°29'N. Long. 123°5'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus erect, saccate, up to 10 cm. high, yellowish brown to olive brown in colour. Thallus rounded above, generally tapering more or less at the base. LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 3 August 1955 (No. 55). DET.: Robert F. Scagel. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN PLANTAE EXSICCATAE AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series — ALGAE Fasciculus II 27. PLOCAMIUM PACIFICUM Kylin, 1925: 42. SYN.: Plocamium coccineum Harvey, 1853, p. 153. Growing on rocks in the sub tidal zone to a depth of 8 fathoms. West Beach, near Partridge Point, on the west side of Whidbey Island, Washington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°14'N. Long. 122°46'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus up to 25 cm. high, deep red in colour, cartila- ginous, slightly flattened with all branches lying in one plane; pectinately subdivided into several orders or branching. LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 13 August 1955 (No. 56). DET.: Robert F. Scagel. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 02347569 PLANTAE EXSICCATAE AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series — ALGAE Fasciculus II 29. SARCODIOTHECA FURCATA (Setchell et Gardner) Kylin, 1932: 16. SYN.: Anatheca furcata Setchell and Gardner, 1903, p. 310 Growing on rocks in the subtidal zone to a depth of several fathoms. West Beach, near Partridge Point, on the west side of Whidbey Island, Washington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°14'N. Long. 122°46'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus erect, up to 30 cm. high, flat, dichotomously branched with one to four orders of branches. The branches, except near the tapered base of the plant, are of fairly uniform width throughout; colour a deep red; cartilaginous in texture. LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 13 August 1955 (No. 58). DET.: Robert F. Scagel. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 02347570 PLANTAE EXSICCATAE AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series — ALGAE Fasciculus II 30. FRYEELIA GARDNERI (Setchell) Kylin, 1931: 16. SYN.: Fauchea gardneri Setchell, 1901, p. 125; Rhodymenia gard- neri (Setchell) Kylin, 1925, p. 41. Growing on rocks in the subtidal zone. West Beach, near Partridge Point, on the west side of Whidbey Island, Washington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°14'N. Long. 122°46'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus erect, up to 15 cm. high, flabellate, with a few broad dichotomous divisions; colour a deep rose-red. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 02347573 PT AMTAïï FYSTrPATAF AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series — ALGAE Fasciculus II 28. PTEROCHONDRIA WOODII (Harvey) Hollenberg, 1942: 533. SYN.: Polysiphonia woodii Harvey, 1853, p. 52; Pterosiphonia woodii (Harvey) Falkenberg, 1901, p. 274. Growing epiphytically on the stipes of various Laminariales, es- pecially Pterygophora californica Ruprecht, in the subtidal zone to a depth of 10 fathoms. West Beach, near Partridge Point, on the west side of Whidbey Island, Washington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°14'N. Long. 122°46'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus erect, up to 20 cm. high, deep red in colour, alternately branched into several orders of compressed branches with all branches polysiphonous and lying in one plane. LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 13 August 1955 (No. 57). DET.: Robert F. Scagel. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 02347574 LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 13 August 1955 (No. 59). DET.: Robert F. Scagel. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 02347571 PT ANTAF FYSTrrATAF AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series — ALGAE Fasciculus II 31. RHODOGLOSSUM AFFINE (Harvey) Kylin, 1928: 49. SYN.: Chondrus affinis Harvey, 1841, p. 408; Chondrus canalicu- latus Farlow, 1876, p. 701.
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Rhodoglossum affine (Harv.) Kylin