Cystoseira geminata C.Agardh
Description: Plantae Exsiccatae ab Universitate Britannico-Columbiana Editae. Series - Algae, Fasciculus I
Rights: Rights reside with creator, otherwise property of NYBG.
Filed As
Cystoseira geminata C.Agardh -
NY Barcode: 02347554
Occurrence ID: 033f382f-04f5-4260-acd4-3aac4f622928
Exsiccatae Number: 11
All Determinations
PT ANTAF FYSTPrATAF AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series — ALGAE Fasciculus I 9. HETEROCHORD ARIA ABIETIN A (Ruprecht) Setchell and Gardner, 1924: 6. SYN.: Chordaria abietina Ruprecht, in Farlow, 1876, p. 357. On rocks in the lower intertidal zone. Turn Point on San Juan Island, Washington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°32'N. Long. 122°59'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus comprising a basal disc giving rise to several erect shoots from 5-50 cm. high. The erect shoots with a percurrent cylin- drical axis thickly covered on. all sides with radiating, slightly flattened branchlets from 1-5 cm. long. Colour varying from a light yellowish brown to a dark olive brown. LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 18 June 1955 (No. 11). DET.: Robert F. Scagel. NEW YO BOTANICA GARDEN PT ANTAF FY^TPrATAF AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series — ALGAE Fasciculus I 11. CYSTOSEIRA GEMINATA C. Agardh, 1824: 286. SYN.'.Cystoseira thyrsigera Postels and Ruprecht, 1840, p. 13, pi. 38, fig. 1; Cystophyllum geminatum (C. Agardh) J. Agardh, 1848, p. 2S2;Cystoseira lepidium Harvey, 1862, p. 163. On rocks in the lower intertidal and upper subtidal zones. Goose Island, at the south entrance to San Juan Channel, Washington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°27'N. Long. 122°57'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus erect, 1-3 m. high, attached by a conical disc. The basal part comprises a stout stipe from 0.5-1.0 cm. in diameter from which arise numerous branches. At first the branches are filiform, becom- ing spatulate near the base, later and in the distal portions becoming shorter and terminating in fusiform air vesicles and swollen receptacles. The vesicles are produced singly or in groups of 2 or 3 with the terminal one on the branch apiculate. Colour olive brown to brownish black. LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 21 June 1955 (No. 14). vnDi^ DET, Robert F. Scagel. NEW YORK PLANTAE EXSICCATAE AB UNIVERSITATE BRITANNICO-COLUMBIANA EDITAE Series — ALGAE Fasciculus I 12. RHODYMENIA PERTUSA (Postels and Ruprecht) J. Agardh, 1852: 376. SYN.: Porphyra pertusa Postels and Ruprecht, 1840, p. 20, pi. 36. Rhodymenia wilkesii Harvey and Bailey, 1851, p. 371. On rocks in the upper subtidal zone to a depth of 5 fathoms. At the south end of Shaw Island, near Canoe Island, Washington, U.S.A. (Lat. 48°34'N. Long. 122°55'W.). DESCRIPTION: Thallus erect, flattened, blade-like from 0.5-1.5 m. high when mature and perforated with numerous holes; with a short terete to slightly flattened stipe arising from a discoid holdfast. Frequently with several blades arising from the same holdfast. Colour a rose red to brownish red. LEG.: Robert F. Scagel, 27 June 1955 (No. 15). DET.: Robert F. Scagel. NEW YOR botanica garden 02347554 02347553 02347555
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Cystoseira geminata C.Agardh