Gigartina papillata f. cristata Setch.

  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Monterey Co.

  • City/Township

    Pyramid Point

  • Locality

    forming a distinct zone in the upper third of the litoral region, on rocks

  • Coordinates

    41.9462, -124.208

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    GEOLocate Web Application. Used the GEOLocate Web Application to georeference to the city center.

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Phycotheca Boreali-Americana. Collins, Holden, and Setchell.
426. Gigartina papillata cas.) j. as. forma cristata.
On rocks, forming a distinct zone in the upper third of the litoral
region; Pyramid Point, Monterey County, California, May 18, 1897.
The name cristata is applied to the form found in a zone just a lit-
tle below high water mark, whose fronds are fairly deeply divided into
a few very broadly cuneate divisions. These in turn are variously cu-
neately lobed, and have cuneate proliferations from the margins.
The appearance of the fresh plant thoroughly justifies the name. This
certainly comes near to Harvey’s G. mamillosa var. latissima (Proc.
Linn. Soc., Vol. VII, p. 172, 1862) ; who says in description—“Parce
dichotoma, laciniis latissime cuneatis, truncatisbut as no authentic
specimens are accessible it seems best to arrange it under a provisional