Trichosteleum papillosum (Hornsch.) A.Jaeger

  • Filed As

    Trichosteleum papillosum (Hornsch.) A.Jaeger

  • Habitat

    Primary forest. On branch.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2249321

    Occurrence ID: cf8ce90b-5f30-4e21-935b-bf5313091579

  • Feedback

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ot¿L. y UrecJ'vwfc
4lEW YORKN. cryptogams of amazonas, brazil
BOTAN I CAL >	Collected along the Rio Negro	£
GARDEN /	between	Manaus	and	Sâo	Gabriel	|:
"	T	O'
Trt^,stele»im fjjglaig (Mitt.) Jaeg. |
«i _ RR on7 N from Sto Gabriel da Cacho-
eira to Cucuf, just N of Igarape lá-
Mirim near Jerusalem; primary forest;
66°35'W. on branch
det. R. R* Ireland* 1983
 	 17	July	1979
William R. Buck__----TThTflitional Science Foundation, the Conselho Nacional de
Collected with rte support of the wat The New York Botanical Garden and the In-
n«lmvolvimento Científico e Tecnologc ¿ Lúcia AIenCar, William R. Buck, Olga Yano.
Nacional de P‘fïulr,?fsJa^te, Evandro Soares, José Ramos. Cosme Damifio A.