Geheebia gigantea (Funck) Boul.

  • Filed As

    Geheebia gigantea (Funck) Boul.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02245945

    Occurrence ID: 1341496e-7408-4d5b-9c9d-13df7f48c628

  • Exsiccatae

    Exsiccatae Number: 76

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^;ossr^nTeB|YOPHYTA canadensia
sheet in herbarium | Distributed by	^
""‘""fhe Ufil'Versity of British Columbia
Edited by W.B. Schofield
76.	Geheebia gigantea (Funck) Boul.
Forming rusty red tufts on limestone
cliff ledge
BRITISH COLUMBIA: Cliffs on S. side
of Takakia L., ca. 10 mi. S. of Moresby
Logging Camp, Moresby I., Queen
Charlotte Is., ca. 52°N., 132°W.
leg. W.B. Schofield	No. 25125
det. W.B. Schofield	July 27, 1964