Vidalia obtusiloba (Mertens ex C.Agardh) J.Agardh

  • Region

    West Indies

  • Country

    Puerto Rico

  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Bahia de Yeguas

  • Coordinates

    18.3858, -65.6235

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coordinates on shore closest to geogr. center of Ensenada Yegua (2 adjacent coves unsure which). Measured from coord. to farthest extent of the cove to find linear ext. (519 m). Used MaNIS Georef. Calculator to find uncertainty (Bounded Area).

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Marine Algae of Pu
Institute of Marine
University of P. R. —*
Rko • ÉSl botanical
Biology	6ARPÉN
P. R.
Vidalia obtusdloba (Mert.) J. Agardh
Fajardo: On rocks, in strong surf, Bahia de Yeguas,
8 January 1963
Coll. L. R. Almodovar & V. M. Rosado
Det. l. R. Almodovar
No. U783
Marine Algae of Puerto Rico	NEW YORf^
Institute of Marine Biology	BOTANICAL
University of P. R. — Mayaguez, P. R.	RDEN
Yidalia obtusiloba (Mert. ) J. Ag.
Córcega: On. rockst in the fciri*
23 May 1958
Coll. H. Li. Blomquist & L. R. Almodovar
- Det. H. _L. .Blomquist _	No. 3283
Marine Algae of Puerto Rico	^ORK
Institute of Marine Biology
/University of P. R. — Mayagiiez, P. R.
Vidalia obtusiloba (Mert.) J. Agardh
Aguirre: On rocks, in front of mangroves, Pozuelo.
7 November 1962
Coll. L. R. Almodovar & V. M. Rosado
Det. L. R. Almodovar	No.U685