Hydroclathrus clathratus (C.Agardh) M.Howe
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Hydroclathrus clathratus (C.Agardh) M.Howe -
Specimen Notes
[literature only]
NY Barcode: 02243648
Occurrence ID: d7b99759-c348-4a19-81b5-3aa338cd4348
All Determinations
(HW YORK loTANlCAL QA.RDEN ^-y^droclathras clathratus (Bory) Howe Fronds very irregular in form, in age much, lacerated, 5-16 cm. diam., sessile, attached to the substratum by a broad base, sometimes several bases confluent, differentiated into two layers of cells; the apertures varying much in size and form and the frond involute along their margins; color yellowish brown; hairs in small tufts in the center of expanded sori. Growing in tide pools in the lower littoral belt. On the west coast of Mexico near the mouth of the Gulf of California. Howe, in Britton and Millspaugh, Bah. Flor., 1920, p. 590; Setchell and Gardner, Mar. Alg. Gulf of Calif., 1924, p. 727. Hydroclathrus cancellatus Bory, in Diet, class., vol. 8, 1825, p. 419; Harvey, Phyc. Austral., 1859, Tab. 98; Mitchell, in Murray, Phyc. Mem., part 2,1893, pp. 53-56, pi. 15, figs. 2—4. Encoelmm clathratum (Bory) Agardh, Sp. Alg., vol. 1, part 2, 1822, p. 412. Fucus clathratus Bory, MS., fide Agardh, loc. cit. The single species of Hydroclathrus is tropical and widespread in both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. Our specimens, from the Gulf of California, are old and we have been unable to detect any gametangia. T' HERBARIUM DF THE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN ALGAE ? F Hydroclathrus clathratus (Bory) How< Setchell, W. A. & Gardner, N. L. Melanophycea» Univ. Gallf. Pubi. Bot. &: 543, 1925 NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 02243648 j 05 CD CO C\J CM o MARINE ALgXe OF PACIFIC BAJA CALIFORNIA Ken^on-Williams Expedition 1946 Hydro cl athrus clathratus (Bory) Howe Locality: isia Conchat Scammon Lagoon Habitat-. Littoral» sand flats Collected by Woody Williams det. by E.Y.D. April 24, 1946 2506 ALGAE DISTRIBUTED BY THE ALLAN HANCOCK FOUNDATION THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEW YOKK BOTANICAL CARDEN ¡O :ID ! CD ¡00 CM CM O MARINE ALGAE OF CALIFORNIA Hydroclathrus clathratus (3orv) Howe Locality: Santa Catalina Isl. Habitat: Beach drift at Pebbly Beach near Avalon Collected by E. Yale Dawson March 24« 1948 No. 4913 det. by E. Y. D. ALGAE DISTRIBUTED BY THE ALLAN HANCOCK FOUNDATION THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA .V vam TANiCAU ARDEN 02243648 02243649 02243650
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Hydroclathrus clathratus (C.Agardh) M.Howe