Meteorium imponderosum (Taylor) Mitt.

  • Filed As

    Meteorium imponderosum (Taylor) Mitt.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2168517

    Occurrence ID: 0c105db3-e6ea-494c-930c-1fc7611767b2

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Cinchona, forest above Pilalo, valley of Rio Macuchi, west slope of Cor-
dillera Occidental, elev. 8000-9000 ft.
Provincia de León
W. C. Steere	Í¡§É
No. 5Y	Sept' 10’ 1943
Meteorium imponderosum (Taylor) Mitt.
J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 12: 442 (1869)
det./confirm.: M. Menzel, dec 2007
Mus. Bot. Berol. (B, Germany)