Ectocarpus parksii Setch. & N.L.Gardner

  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Marin Co.

  • City/Township


  • Coordinates

    37.8735, -122.457

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    GEOLocate Web Application. Used the GEOLocate Web Application to georeference to the city center.

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

17. Ectocarpus Parksii S. and G.
Plate 49, fig. 15
Fronds 5-7 cm. high, densely eaespitose, flaccid; main filaments of
erect fronds, 34-40/* diam. in the lower part, tapering very gradually
upward, profusely and alternately branched, very slightly corticated
at the base; branches of succeeding orders reduced in diameter, long
and tapering very gradually upward, not terminating in hairs;
ultimate ramuli 10-15/* diam., terminal cell 5-7/* diam.; cells cylin-
drical to very slightly doliiform, 40-70/* long in the main filaments,
quadrate to subquadrate above; chromatophores numerous, irregular
plates densely crowded together and more or less connected in the
ramuli, becoming more regularly disk-shaped and separate in the
lower parts of the main filaments; gametangia relatively sparse, sessile,
straight or slightly curved upward, mostly on the subterminal and
terminal ramuli, secund, 4-10 in a group, occasionally solitary, blunt
fusiform to subconical, 35-45/* long, 18-22/* broad.
Growing on Graeilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. in a small cove,
San Francisco Bay, northeast of Tiburon, Marin County, California.
Setchell and Gardner, Phyc. Cont. VII, 1924, p. 1.
This species of Ectoca/rpus appears to be a very short lived spring
form. Within a month after it was first observed, apparently just
coming into fruit, it had largely disappeared. Its structure seems to
relate it to several of our west coast species. Its long, slender, grad-
ually tapering filaments, profusely branched, are similar to those of
E. siiicidosus (Dillw.) Lyngb. Its sessile gametangia are similar in
form to those of E. Taoniae S. and G. The secund arrangement of the
gametangia and the disk-shaped chromatophores are characters belong-
ing to E. granidosoides S. and G. The delicate fronds, with profuse,
alternate branching, the disk-shaped chromatophores, and the groups
of small, sessile, blunt, secund gametangia make a combination of
characters not found in any other species.
V'i ^17. Ectocarpus Parksii S. and G.
Plate 49, fig. 15
Fronds 5-7 cm. high, densely eaespitose, flaccid; main filaments of
erect fronds, 34-40/* diam. in the lower part, tapering very gradually
upward, profusely and alternately branched, very slightly corticated
at the base; branches of succeeding orders reduced in diameter, long
and tapering very gradually upward, not terminating in hairs;
ultimate ramuli 10-15/* diam., terminal cell 5-7/* diam.; cells cylin-
drical to very slightly doliiform, 40-70/* long in the main filaments,
quadrate to subquadrate above; chromatophores numerous, irregular
plates densely crowded together and more or less connected in the
ramuli, becoming more regularly disk-shaped and separate in the
lower parts of the main filaments; gametangia relatively sparse, sessile,
straight or slightly curved upward, mostly on the subterminal and
terminal ramuli, secund, 4—10 in a group, occasionally solitary, blunt
fusiform to subconical, 35-45/* long, 18-22/* broad.
Growing on Graeilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. in a small cove,
San Francisco Bay, northeast of Tiburon, Marin County, California,
Setchell and Gardner, Phyc. Cont. VII, 1924, p. 1.
This species of Ectocarpvj appears to be a very short lived spring
form. Within a month after it was first observed, apparently just
coming into fruit, it had largely disappeared. Its structure seems to
relate it to several of our west coast species. Its long, slender, grad-
ually tapering filaments, profusely branched, are similar to those of
E. sUicidosus (Dillw.) Lyngb. Its sessile gametangia are similar in
form to those of E. Taoniae S. and G. The secund arrangement of the
gametangia and the disk-shaped chromatophores are characters belong-
ing to E. granidosoides S. and G. The delicate fronds, with profuse,
alternate branching, the disk-shaped'chromatophores, and the groups
of small, sessile, blunt, secund gametangia make a combination of
characters not found in any other species.
X 250.
Setchell, W. A. & Gardner, N. L. Melanophyeeae
Univ. Galif. Pubi. Bot. 8: 427, Plate
49, fig. 15, 1925
Hebbakitjm of the University or California
alcue of Gali forni a
Ectocarpus Parksii S. and G-.
Tiburon, Marin Oo.
June 1925
W.A. and C.B. Setchell
Ectocarpus Parksii Setchell & Gardner, sp.nov<
Univ.Calif.Pubi.Bot,13:1. 27 O 1924.
Frondibus 5-7 cm. altis, dense caespitosis,flaccidis;
filamentis primariis frondium erectarum inferno 34-40)1
diam., superne levissime attenuatis, copiose et alterne
ramosis, basim levissime cortìcatis; ramis ramulisque
progresso in diam. reductis, longis et superne levissime
attenuatis, haud in pilis terminantibus; ramulis ultimió
10-15}i diam., cellulla terminali 5-7H diam ; cellulis
cylindricis, usque ad levissime doliiformibus, in fila-
mentis primariis 40-70)1 longis, superne quadratis usque
ad subquadratis; chlorophoris numerosis, irregulariter
taeniaeformibus in ramulis dense aggregatis et plus
minusve connectis, inferne in filamentis primariis dis-
cìformibus et liberis; gametangiis vulgo sparsis, sessili-
bus, rectis, aut lente superne arcuatis, vulgo in ramulis
subterminalibus et termiòallbus positis, secundis, 4-J.O-
seriatis, interdum solltariis, trunoato-fusiformibus,,