Herposiphonia rigida N.L.Gardner
Filed As
Herposiphonia rigida N.L.Gardner -
G. M. Smith 41-315, 09 Jul 1941
United States of America. California. Cypress Pt., Monterey Peninsula.
NY Barcode: 02213950
Occurrence ID: c77da75a-d61c-4ec3-9252-adc8b03b1c71
All Determinations
North America
United States of America
Cypress Pt., Monterey Peninsula
36.5803, -121.975
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coordinates of approx. geogr. center of Cypress Point. Measured from coord. to farthest extent of the point with overest. to find linear extent (447 m). Input info. into MaNIS Georef. Calc. to find uncert. rad. (Bounded Area).
Geodetic Datum
mie AL ZDEH Herposiphonia rigida Gardner, sp.nov. Univ.Oalif.Pubi.Bot.l4:100.pl.23. f.1-2. 7 D 1927. Fronds composed of a relatively extensive system of creeping filaments attached on the under side by numerous rhizoidal filaments and giving rise to numerous alternate, erect ?branches* erect fronds 1-2.5 cm. high, with a oentral percurrent axis about 250ji diam, and composed of ?-11 peri- central cells about 2-3 times as long as their diameter, giving rise to two kinds of branches, viz.,2 (sometimes 3) orders of branches similar to the main axes, each order re- duced in size; and umbranched, rigid, subulate, alternate, slightly attenuated, blunt ramuli about 1.25 mm. long,aris- ing from every node except those occupied by the large branches, and standing at an angle of about 70ř; branches and ramuli both distichous; 3 ramuli intervening the branches of each order, these orders being regularly alternate; ramuli more or less twisted; all parts of the frond relatively ri?i.a; color very dark on drying; tetrasporangia in a single series in the ramuli, relatively sparse; cystocarps relatively large, slightly urceolate, sessile near the base on the adaxial side of the ramulus; cystocarps and antheridia unknown. Growing on filamentous Corallines, etc.,in the upper sub- littoral belt. Friday Harbor, Washington, to Santa Monica, California. Type, Gardner, no. 6023 (Herb. Univ. Calif, no. 276868), dredged in the vicinity of Friday Harbor. July* In the character of the method of branching, this species of Herposiphonia is almost identical with H. grandis Kylin but the prostrate portion of the frond is more extensive and the erect portion less extensive than in Zylin?s species from the same general locality. Also the fronds are much more rigid and are almost black on drying, H. grandis being more flaccid and a dark red or brownish red on drying, in each species the main branches of all orders are alternate and distichous and are separated regularly on eaeh side by three subulate ramuli. DUDLEY HERBARIUM OF STANFORD UNIVERSITY Plants of California Herposiphonia rigida (Jardn. 41-315 On rocks in deeply shaded tide pool at - ho foot tide level. NB.?/ YOU* HX&TA HICA-L mARDEN Cypress Pt., Monterey Peninsula, Calif< 7/9/41 G-.M. Smith coll. St det. Aleae distributed from the Herbarium of the ţ University ol California NEW YOR# botanical Herposiphonia rigida Gardner garden Carmel Bay, California May 1916 3J. L. Gardner. Ho. 3365 MARINE ALGAE OF CALIFORNIA I CM ! IO ! 05 ; CO cvj CM O _Herposiphonia rigida var laxa S.&G. Locality:Santa Catalina Island Habitat: Rocky shore in vicinity of Avalon Collected by E. Yale Dawson 3/23?24/1948 No. 4$ det. by E.Y.D, ALGAE DISTRIBUTED BY THE ALLAN HANCOCK FOUNDATION THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NEW botal GAF 02213951 02213950 02213952
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Herposiphonia rigida N.L.Gardner