Siparuna decipiens (Tul.) A.DC.

The New York Bolanical Garden
Siparuna decipiens (Tul.) A. DC.
det. S. S. Renner, 1997
Thomas 5348
Programa Flora
The New York Botanical Garden
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia
Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi
5348	Monimiaceae
Amazonas. Presidente Figueiredo: Represa de
Balbina on Rio Uatunúí: ca. 4 km NW of dam
on D—1 road. 01°50'S, 59°32’W. Campinarana on
sand or nearby forest on sandy clay.
Tree, 7 m. Leaves subcoriaceous, yellow-green
above and shiny, pale, dull, yellow-green
beneath. Buds with peltate scales, silvery.
W. Thomas, G. A. Cid &
E. Fiuza Lima	4 July 1986
Fieldwork supported by The National Science Foundation and the
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)