Psidium oligospermum DC.

  • Filed As

    Psidium oligospermum DC.

  • Collector(s)

    L.A. Gomes 837 with G.M.A Matos, D.A. Araújo, E. Santos, 05 Oct 2012

  • Location

    Brazil. Sergipe. Siriri Mun. Mata do Cipó.

  • Habitat

    Mata Atlântica.

  • Description

    Arbusto com cerca de 60 cm. Frutos imaturos verdes. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02636763

    Occurrence ID: 2d857a64-f3e8-474d-a68f-7c51b3a84825

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Siriri Mun.

  • Locality

    Mata do Cipó.

  • Coordinates

    -10.5114, -37.1003

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

The New York Botanical Garden
Psidium oligospermum DC.
det: L. R. Landrum, 2015
L.A. Gomes 837
Herbario ASE	ASE
Northeastern Atlantic Forest Project	
Proieto Floresta Atlantica	25424
Brasil, Sergipe, Siriri, Mata do Cip6 Mata Atlantica.	
jfftNNl1* S, 37°06,01" W	
Psidium decussatum DC.
Arbusto com cerca de 60 cm. Frutos imaturos verdes.
Duplicates: ASE
Goiabinha (Portugues)
Gomes, L.A. 837 & Matos, G.M.A.; Araujo, D.A. & Santos, E. 05/10/2012
Det.: Proen?a, C.
Funded by NSF, Beneficia Foundation, Velux Stiftung and CNPq.