Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman
Filed As
Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman -
S. A. Mori 11710 with T. S. dos Santos, 06 Apr 1979
Brazil. Bahia. Camacan Mun. Município de Camaca. Ramal para a Torre da Embratel na Serra Boa, ao N de Sao Joao da Panelinha.
Pendurado em um rochedo à margem da estrada e trepando sobre árvores. Plantaçao de cacau.
Phenology of specimen: Fertile.
NY Barcode: 650292
Occurrence ID: 3079ad83-c953-4875-b677-9dea75127833
All Determinations
Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman det A. C. da Mota, 2012
Chusquea bambusoides (Raddi) Hack.
Note: dupl. det. G. Davidse, 1990
South America
Camacan Mun.
Município de Camaca. Ramal para a Torre da Embratel na Serra Boa, ao N de Sao Joao da Panelinha
-15.3049, -39.4994
Coordinate Uncertainty (m)
Georeferencing Method
Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Georeferenced to the approximate midpoint of the unnamed side-road which turns off from the main road which had been heading N from the town of Sao Joao da Panelinha (BA 251), and leads directly to a communications tower complex at the top of a mountain (presumably Serra Boa), at the base of which lies the "Fazenda Serra Boa", in Mun. Camacan, Bahia. Using a paper map of the area (Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste. "Camacá" [Map]. Mapas da Região Nordeste do Brasil – 1:100,000. Convênio SUDENE – Governo do Estado da Bahia. SUDENE, Recife, PE, Brasil. 1977) located the Fazenda Serra Boa. Using Google Maps - Terrain View and Satellite View, while referencing the location of the Fazenda Serra Boa shown on the paper map, located the adjacent mountain, spotted a structure appearing to be a communications tower complex at the apex of the mountain (-15.2881592 -39.4982743), and traced the route of the unnamed and unmarked side-road which leads down the mountain from the tower complex towards BA 251 (road visible in Satellite View only). Note: The exact path of the last ca. 0.5 km of the side-road immediately before it meets up with the main road could not be clearly visualized from the satellite photos (several exits from the main road could possibly be the entrance to the path); therefore, the possible entrance furthest distant from the tower/summit was chosen in order to maximize the uncertainty radius. Beginning at the chosen point for the entrance to this side-road (-15.3259665 -39.5006803), used Distance Measurement Tool (Google Maps), to measure a straight line to the point where the side-road terminates at the communication tower complex at the top of the mountain (-15.2881851 -39.4982475), then divided that distance by 2 to estimate the location of the approximate geographic midpoint of the road (-15.307087 -39.4993901). Using Canadensys Lat/Long Crosshairs, found coordinates (final) for the point along the unnamed side-road closest to the approximated midpoint. Using Distance Measurement Tool again, found the linear extent by measuring from the selected final coordinates to the farthest extent of the side-road (-15.3268952 -39.5055941). Input coordinates, linear extent (2534.32 m), and measurement error (0.5 m) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find the uncertainty radius (according to the Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Named Place: River, stream, road, path).
Geodetic Datum
New York Botanical Garden A-C. Lj¿ti 4b-XI* &VL HERBARIO CENTRO DE PESQUISAS DO CACAU Plantas da Regiao Cacaueira da Bahia — BRASIL- ES 11710 Poaceae ayje cl homjevs o¡ (Un. i&vdjj) \\cuJLoP dZpT™"0 . / /yift Municipio de Camaca. Ramai para a Torre da Embratel na Serra Boa, ao IM de Sao Joao da Panelinha. Plantagaa de cacau. <Qe*i YOrii? BOTANICAL .Oarde** Pendurado em um rochedo a margem da estrada e trepando sobre árvores.Abundante. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN S.A.Mori & T.S.dos Santas 00650292 6 abril 1979 00650292
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Chusquea oxylepis (Hack.) Ekman