Chrysothrix susquehannensis Lendemer & Elix

  • Filed As

    Chrysothrix susquehannensis Lendemer & Elix

  • Collector(s)

    P. Clark 1511, 23 Dec 2013

  • Location

    United States of America. Tennessee. Marion Co. Castle Rock, on the northern town limits of Jasper, South Pittsburg Quad.

  • Habitat

    sandstone cliff(s) on bluff, exposed south/south-east facing, geologically competent cliffs, 20-30 m tall, vertical cliffs (80-100 degrees). Pinus virginiana, Quercus prinus, Smilax sp. growing at ~10 m on relatively dry rock near moisture seep 5 m right of a rock climb called Orange Peel.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2100676

    Occurrence ID: 24da0c12-48fd-48c4-8506-586a67cbe01f

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Marion Co.

  • Locality

    Castle Rock, on the northern town limits of Jasper, South Pittsburg Quad.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 425 m. (1394 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    35.1036, -85.6314

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

/A/	j
C/e, i /S'//
Chrysothrtx subquehannensis Lendemer & Elix
Chrysothricaceae	cliff gold dust lichen
SjteJD: Castle Rock. Location: South Pittsburg Quadrangle. Sandstone cliffy hi.,« ™
town limits of Jasper, TN. Site descrintinn- Exposed, south / south-east 225 °n b uff °" the northern
cliffs. Habitat: South facing, 20-30m tall, vertical cliffs (80-100°) Specin?en° aSiS at^Tm nn
relatively dry rock near moisture seep 5m right of a rock climb called Orange pie? Pooulation^ize
small-moderate (5-20% cover of 1m2). Associated vascular sperms P,nusTrgìnl!na Que^Drìnus
SmHax sp. Associated nonvascular species: Lasaffia papulosa, Lepraria sp, Phlyctis petraea (low on
Additional specimens in packet:
UTM Zone 16N, 35°06'13.6"N 85°37,53.9"W (NAD 83)	Elevation: ~425m
Collected by Peter Clark (specimen #PWC1511) on December 23, 2013
__^^_Dgtermined by James Lendemer, February 2014