Ulva flexuosa Wulfen
Filed As
Ulva flexuosa Wulfen -
Collection Notes
Specimen Notes
[literature only]
NY Barcode: 02139168
Occurrence ID: 8f9ee3a1-7f4a-4507-ab39-9af5b59c0ebc
All Determinations
9. Enteromorpha tubulosa Kuetz. Plate 14, figs. 4, 5 Frond simple or with short proliferations, usually near the base, but with occasional longer proliferations some distance above the base, tubular and nearly cylindrical throughout, or enlarging upward from a delicate cylindrical stipe and becoming compressed above; cells squarish, 11-1 S/a diam., arranged in longitudinal series through- out, less distinctly so in the upper mature parts; membrane 15-24/x diam., walls equally thickened oil both sides, with cells squarish or slightly elongated radially, chromatophore filling the outer end of the cell. (¡rowing attached to rocks in the lower littoral belt, or floating in intertwined masses in pools in salt marshes. Central California. Kuetzing, Tab. Phyc., 1856, p. 11, pi. 32, f. 2; Ahlner, Entero- morpha, 1877, p. 49, f. 9a, 9b. Enteromorpha prolifera var. tubulosa Collins, Green Alg. N. A., 1909, p. 203; Collins, Holden and Setchell, Phyc. Bor.-Amer. (Exsicc.), no. 462 (Key West, Florida). Kuetzing’s figure of Enteromorpha tubulosa represents a simple plant, but -J. G. Agardh (1883, p. 128) states that it branches. The main frond is tubular and slender, of nearly uniform diameter throughout. Our specimens are all branched more or less, but usually from near the base. The membrane may be thickened on both sides or not at all. There has been some difference of opinion among writers as to the proper relationship of this plant, but it seems best to us to retain it as an independent species. /Hate /y Cc~*. , * ^BëSM&qoc S*.t c h e-l/ - Enteromorpha tubulosa Kuetz. Fig. 4. A portion of a small frond showing the linear arrangement of cells. X 250. Fi*;. 5. A section of a frond. X 250. 02139168
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Ulva flexuosa Wulfen