Oedogonium rufescens Wittr. ex Hirn

  • Filed As

    Oedogonium rufescens Wittr. ex Hirn

  • Specimen Notes

    [literature only]

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02109628

    Occurrence ID: 8998389f-182a-487d-af07-fac8ba9cbe59

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The New York

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Ocm 1

7. Oedogonium rufescens Wittr. Oefv. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Forh.
27: 134. 1870.

Dioecious, macrandrous; oogonia 1-3, obovoid- or depressed-obovoid-globose, pore median,
rimiform; oospore globose or depressed-globose, filling oogonium or nearly so; spore-wall
smooth; antheridia to 12-seriate; sperm 1; female vegetative cell 8-10 by 34-70 p, male 7-9 by
30-54 ft’; oogonium 22-24 by 22-30 M; oospore 21-23 by 17-22 antheridium 6-8 by 8-12 ¡x.

Type locality: Sweden.	.	.

Distribution: Rhode Island, Connecticut, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri,
North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Oklahoma ^	^	/t: ? ? / ? J 7

Plate 8./. 100-102. TiffonY,	rtmetrte**? Ffoira. JIlW* ils_L

Figs. 100-102. Oedogonium rufescens Wittr. Si