Acetabularia polyphysoides P.Crouan & H.Crouan

  • Filed As

    Acetabularia polyphysoides P.Crouan & H.Crouan

  • Collector(s)

    M. A. Howe 5371 a, 22 Dec 1907

  • Location

    Bahamas. Castle Island, near Acklin Island.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02024018

    Occurrence ID: aae51918-7abc-4034-a7bc-1ac5ce480aca

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    West Indies

  • Country


  • Locality

    Castle Island, near Acklin Island

  • Coordinates

    22.13, -74.3145

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Located coordinates of geogr. center of Castle Island. Measured from coordinates to farthest extent of the cay to find linear extent (1720 m). Input information into MaNIS Georef. Calc. to find uncertainty radius (Bounded Area).

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

5~Q. Acetabulum polyphysoides

5.	A disc, decalcified, from above, showing twenty-five lightly coherent, obtusely
taper-pointed or subrostrate sporangia. (See Plate 6, Figures 17 and 18.)

6.	Sporangia from another disc, natural, the shaded areas indicating the distribu-
tion of the lime.

7.	A disc, decalcified, with seventeen free obtuse sporangia, showing also the cor-
rugated upper portion of the stipe.

8.	Sporangia, natural, the shaded areas indicating the extent and distribution of
the calcification.

9.	More inflated sporangia, decalcified. ( See Plate 6, Figure 16. )

Figures 5—7 are drawn from no. 5731a (Castle Island, Bahamas) ; 8, from no.
502gb (Montego Bay, Jamaica) ; 9, from no. 5310 (Atwood Cay, Bahamas). All of
the figures are enlarged 16 diameters.

Acetabulum polyphysoides (Crouan) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 2 :

881. 1891

Acetabularia polyphysoides Crouan ; Schramm & Maze, Essai
Alg. Guad. 101. 1866; Maze & Schramm, Essai Alg. Guad. 84.
1870-77 (nomen seminudum)\ — Solms, Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot.
II. 5 : 29. pi. 4.. f. 2, 6. 1895 ; Vickers, Phyc. Barbad. 1: pi. 47.

Plants small, short-stalked, 2-7 mm. high, light green, rays
of the disc little calcified except in the contact-areas, the interradial
lime-masses shorter than the rays and inconspicuous (sometimes
almost wanting) or slightly projecting at the margin with flabelli-
form or inversely deltoid apical expansions : disc nearly flat or cup-
shaped, solitary, 2-5 mm. in diameter, the margin subentire or
stellate-dentate; sporangia (rays) 11-25 (mostly 11-18), varying
from inflated-obvoid and about twice as long as broad to clavate-
cylindrical or subfusiform and 3-5 times as long as greatest width,
rather easily separable and often more or less free, rounded-obtuse
at apex or obtusely taper-pointed, obtusely subrostrate or bluntly
subconical; coronal processes knob-like, oval-elliptical in surface
view, 75-150 fj. in longest (radial) diameter, each bearing 5-13
(usually 8-10) hairs, hair-rudiments, or hair-scars arranged in an
elliptical manner ; hypopeltal processes wanting : aplanospores 6
-50 in a sporangium, globose, ovoid, or ellipsoid, 88-190 n in
greatest diameter: stipe usually much corrugated, often enlarged
in the upper part, reaching a maximum diameter of 0.35-0.70 mm.
[Plate 6, figures 16-20; plate 7, figures 5-9.]

Low littoral to at least 4-5 m. of water. Pointe-a-Pitre, Guade-
loupe, Maze; Atwood Cay, Bahamas, Howe 5310, 5212 ; Mal-
colm Road, Caicos Islands, Howe 5652 ; Castle Island, Bahamas,
Howe 5731a ; Montego Bay, Jamaica, Howe 5029b.

North American Marine Algae


Uv. u. <3	i.'t. -

, near Aoklin Island, Bahamas,	)

\C~L / ——---by Marshall A. Howe, December 22, 1907


16-20. ACE I ABU LU M POLYPHYSOIDES (Crouan) Kuntze

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16—20. Acetabulum polyphysoides

16.	Base of sporangium from above, showing coronal process with twelve hairs
(including rudiments and scars).

17.	Bases of sporangia of common form, showing coronal processes with nine and
ten hairs (including rudiments and scars).

18.	A sporangium-base, similar to that shown in Figure 17, in lateral view.

19.	A coronal process with seven hairs (including rudiments and scars).

20.	A rare form of coronal process with only five hairs (including rudiments and

Figure 16 is drawn from no. ¿310 (Atwood Cay, Bahamas) ; 17 and 18 from no.
5731a (Castle Island, Bahamas) ; 19 and 20 from. no. 5312 (Atwood Cay, Bahamas).
All of the figures are drawn from decalcified material and are enlarged 150 diameters.