Pleurodiscus purpurea
Filed As
Pleurodiscus purpurea -
Collector unknown s.n.
Puerto Rico.
NY Barcode: 02014816
Occurrence ID: d276e061-f3ab-4ca2-8092-49a254b60d74
All Determinations
West Indies
Puerto Rico
8 9 10 copyright reserved The New York Botanical Garden Pleurodiscus borinquenae Tiffany sp. nov. (pi. 2, f. 30-39). -L Cellulis vegetativis 18—26 |j latis, 16—65 p longis, meinbrana saepe incrassata; filamentis simplicibus vel ramosis, interdum rhizoidibus instructis; zygosporis ovoideis vel globosis vel late ellipsoideis, 22—32 |j latis, 26—32 ^ longis, mesosporio foveolis 3—5 [j latis ornato. In rivulo prope ‘ ‘ Hacienda Catalina, ’ ’ ad Palmar oppidnm; prope Marieao et Jayuya oppida; specimina in collectionibus auctoris et Herb. Hort. Bot. Noveboracensis conservata sub numeris 750b, 788, 836, 837, 1086a, 1790. The proper disposition of the algal genns Pleurodiscus Lagerheim, as well as its alleged inclusion of Zygnema purpureum Voile, has been a subject of considerable uncertainty among algologists for a number of years. Recently Skuja (1932) has given a very complete review of the historical aspects of the situation, and it will suffice here merely to mention the viewpoints of some of the contributors. Wolle (1885, 1887) applied the name Zygnema purpureum to a fruiting conjugate, collected in New Jersey and in Florida, whose chief characteristics (to him) were the purple color and evident geniculation of the fila- ments. Lagerheim (1895) discovered in Norway vegetative filaments of an alga whose disc-shaped chromatophores seemed to warrant the establishment of a new genus among the Zygnemataeeae: Pleurodiscus. Due to the presence of a brownish-purple cell sap Lagerheim concluded that his specimens were identical with Wolle’s Zygnema, and hence the binomial Pleurodiscus purpureus (Wolle) Lagerheim. Czurda (1932) includes Pleurodiscus with Zygnema. Both Skuja (1932) and Transeau (1933) place P. purpureus as a synonym of Zygogonium ericetorum Kuetzing. G. M. Smith (1933) recognizes the validity of Pleurodiscus, but he is not positive of the inclusion or exclusion of Wolle’s species. Transeau (1934) recognizes and com- pletely describes Pleurodiscus as one of the ten genera constituting the Zygnemataeeae. It seems very clear, as Skuja (1932) points out, that Lagerheim had little foundation in fact for the association of his Pleurodiscus Tiffany: Puerto Rican Fresli-water Algae 171 purpureus with Wolle’s Zygnema purpureum. The purple color which Lagerheim deemed sufficient to associate the two plants occurs in several genera of the Zygnemataeeae. As a matter of fact, a purplish color may appear in the filaments of most any member of the family when the plants begin to decompose. Wolle’s statement, “Primarily yellowish-green, but soon changes to a purple color,” may mean after collection and improper. preservation. Wolle’s figures, moreover, give no indication of the character of the chromatophores of his species. The evidence for including Lagerheim’s Pleurodiscus purpureus in the synonymy of Zygogonium ericetorum appears to the writer to be quite inconclusive. The alga has never been certainly reported except in the vegetative state. It appears, therefore, to be to the best interests of the taxonomy of the group to relegate both Zygnema purpureum Wolle and Pleurodiscus purpureus Lagerheim ad species incertas sive haud satis descriptas. The Puerto Rican collections contained both Zygogonium and Pleurodiscus definitely separable (Transeau 1934). The alga de- scribed above as Pleurodiscus borinquenae has two disc-shaped chro- matophores, is frequently branched, and possesses distinctly pitted zygospores. On the basis of such definite and clear-cut characters it is thought advisable to establish a new species rather than to attempt the dubious task of forcing the alga into an emended P. purpureus. Collected in Puerto Rico in January, February, and March. Tiffany : Fresh-water Algae Brittonia 2, No. 2 02014816 02014816
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Pleurodiscus purpurea