Micrasterias denticulata Bréb.
Filed As
Micrasterias denticulata Bréb. -
Specimen Notes
[literature only]
NY Barcode: 02014361
Occurrence ID: 8796d398-e5f3-48f4-8654-925eb37c6311
All Determinations
"^nn PLATE XIII. FlS 6 'BID VARIETY DENTICULATA. MIOR AS T3BIAS DEHTICUIATA, BBEB.? - Fresh-water Algae of the ITnited States page 18, February 1872* (Smithsonian contribution to knowl- edge, 241) • M. permagna, paulo longior quam lata, laevis; semicellulis quin- quelobis (paene 9 lobis); lobis intermediis et baaalibus sim- illimis, bilobatis, lobulis item in lobulis bifidia duobus divisia;; lobo polare angusto, cuneato, in apioe plus minus in- cisco; margins minute denticulato. Diam.-Lat. .0092”* Long* .011," Syn.-M. denticulate, BBEBISSOH. BALFS, British Desmidieae, p. 70 et ABCHEB; PEITCHAZD’S Infusoria. M. dentioulata, Brebisson.? BA3E1TH0BST, Flora Europ. Algarum, Sect. 111. p. 192» Hab. - Pennsylvania; WOOD. Florida; Bailey. Very large, a little longer than broad, smooth; semicells. with five lobes (scarcely 9}; basal and intermediate lobes alike bilobate, lobules also divided into two bifid lobules; end lobe narrow, wedge-shaped, more or less incised at its apex; margin minutely denticulate. BEMABKS.-Prof. Babenhorst gives M. dentioulata, BBEB, as merely a variety of M. furcata, AG., stating that it only differs from the latter in the marginal incisions and teeth. Hot having ac- cess t© the original description of Brebisson I cannot express an opinion as to whether Prof. B. is correct or not but the specimen from which the above description was drawn upfand which is figured on plate I3)oertainly differs from M. furoata very essentially in the arrangement cf its lobes, and is, I feel confident, M. denticulata, BBEB. of BALFS AUD ABCEEB. NEWyorkbotamcalgarden Fig. 6, pi. 13, is a drawing of this plant, as seen by my- self, magnified 260 diameters. 02014361......... NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN 02014361
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Micrasterias denticulata Bréb.