Hyalotheca dissiliens

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    Hyalotheca dissiliens

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    NY Barcode: 02014181

    Occurrence ID: 374dfc75-aab8-4b90-b2e9-aaf27ad2273f

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    Hyalotheca dissiliens

HYALOTHECA DISILLIEES, SMITH) BREB. - Fresh-water Algae of the
United States page 18, February 187£. (Smithsonian contribution to
knowledge, £41)•

H. fasciis praelongis; oellulis oblongo-quadrangnlaribus, diametre
Bub-duplo bregioribus, interdum ante divisionem subaequalibus,
angulie nounnihil rotundetis, plerumque medio obsolete constrio-
tis, saepe haud constrictis,

DIAM- 0.00089"-0.00098". (R.)

Syn.-H.disilliens, (SMITH) BREB« RA3EITH0RST, Flora Europ. Alga rum.
Sect. III. p. 15£.

Hab.-South Carolina: Florida; Rhode Island; BAILEY. Rhode Island
(S. T. Olney), Thwaites. Pennsylvania; Wood.

Filament very long, cells oblong, quadrangular, about one-half as
long as broad, sometimes before division as long as broad,
angles somewhat rounded, mostly obsoletely constricted in
the middle, often not constricted.

REMARKS.-The specimens which I have identified as E. disilliens,

agree with the various figures and descriptions of the Euro-
pean form, in every thing except that in many cases there is no
constriction whatever in the centre of the cell, and when
the constriction does exist, it is never so pronounced, as
some of the descriptions indicated. The plant is very common
about Philadelphia, growing in springs ad ditches.

Fig. 12, pi. l£t represents this part of a filament of this