Dyssodia porophylloides A.Gray

The New York

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Plants of Arizona

Terrestrial Ecosystems Survey, Tonto National Forest

Adenophyllum porophylloides (Gray) Strother

Family: Asteraceae
Symbol: ADPO

Common name: San Felipe dogweed
Locality: Arizona, Gila County;

Tonto National Forest; Cutter Quadrangle; foothills east of Pinal Mountains
N 33° 21.073' W 110° 43.605' 3607 ft.

Habitat: Sonoran Desert; dissected terrain; scattered shrubs; photo 34-896-
119; Life zone: LSM 3, +1

Associated spp: Acacia constricta, Quercus turbinella, Juniperus coahuilensis
Ephedra trifurca, Calliandra eriophylla, Psilostrophe cooperi, Isocoma
tenuisecta, Gutierrezia sarothrae, Lycium, Acacia greggii, Baccharis
brachyphylla, Krameria erecta, Yucca elata, Y. baccata
Notes: suffrutescent forb 50 cm, flowers yellowish; several plants localized on
ridgetop, infrequent
Origin: native

Collected by: Liz Makings 2079 16 June 2005

with; George Robertson, Doug Mackenzie, Andy Casillas