Calymperes afzelii Sw.

Calymperes donnellii Aust.
Boulder in forest.
Seringal Sao Luis, just below the first
rapids on the Rio Pacaas Novos. Mature
forest with some sandstone exposures.
Lat. ca lla S, Long, ca
William D. Reese 137 39
30-31 Mar
Collected Jan*Apr 1978 with the support of the National Science Foundation, the Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, The New York Botanical Garden,
the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazónia, The Universit> of Michigan, the Museu
Goeldi, and the University of Southwestern Louisiana; and with the collaboration of W.
Anderson, C. Damiao, G. McPherson. J Ramos, and J. Ubiraian