Aegiphila densiflora Rusby

  • Filed As

    Aegiphila densiflora Rusby ( type )

  • Collector(s)

    M. Bang 1732, Dec 1892

  • Location

    Bolivia. Between Tipuani and Guanai.

  • Description

    Harshly yellowish-scurfy and strigose; stems elongated, slender and weak, erect or somewhat ascending, obtusely quandrangular, the internodes about 3 cm. long; petioles divaricate, about 5 mm. long; blades 7-10 cm. long, 2-4 cm. broad, oblong, varying to obvate, the base rounded, the apex abruptly acuminate and tapering to a very acute point, short-strigose on both sides, the 10 pairs of primaries very prominent beneath, communicating near the margin and connected by the very crooked secondaries, the reticulation coarse and prominent; panicles stoutly peduncled, close or interrupted, the flowers crowded upon the branches into dense hemispherical secondary panicles, the bracts and bractlets setose, elongated, weak, acute; pedicels slender, mostly 5-7 mm. long; calyx 5 mm long, the tube 3 m. long, turbinate, the lips cleft half way, the lobes ovate, obtuse; corolla-bud strongly pyriform, the apex rounded; tube cylindraceous, 6 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, the lobes 3.5 mm. long, broadly ovate. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

  • Specimen Notes

    "Ex Herbario Collegii Columbiae, a N.L. Britton et H.H. Rusby distributae"

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 103760

    Occurrence ID: 402f61a6-cd66-429e-b2ec-5cb9c7179c18

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