Chrysopsis mariana (L.) Elliott

The New York

Botanical Garden copyright reserved

Chrvsopsis mariana (L.) Ell.

LEE CO.: Along CR 81 between Farmville City and
James, AL. 1.6 mi from intersection of Co. Rds. 188 &
81. 4.72 km ENE of confluence of Saugahatchee &
Loblockee Crks. T19N, R25E, S9 SE. Waverly Quad
(7.5 min). N Lat. 32° 38' 44" x W Long. 85° 32' 48.50".

Recently graded dirt road. Disturbed, weedy community
with Helianthus and Eupatorium. Fully exposed sandy
location. Elev. 680 ft.

10 October 1999
C. J. Hansen (99-35)	Asteraceae