Bidens mitis (Michx.) Sherff

The New York

Botanical Garden copyright r

Bidens mitis (Michx.) Sherff
Voucher for ITS (internal transcribed
spacer) sequences of nuclear ribosomal

Sequences published in: Sayre, C. 2001. A
New Species of Bidens (Asteraceae;
Heliantheae) from Starbuck Island
Provides Evidence of a Second
Colonization of Pacific Islands by the
Genus. M.Sc. Thesis. University of British
Columbia, Canada. Sequences deposited in
the National Center for Biotechnology
Information (GenBank). Leaf material
removed February, 1999.

GenBank Accession Number AY046935

Cynthia M. Sayre, 2002


Bidens mitis (Michx.) Sherff

Marion County: White cedar-palm-bay seepage spring swamp forest,
on S side of FS Rd 71 at crossing of Mormon Branch, ca. 0.4 mi E of
FL 19 at a point ca. 1.3 mi S of Juniper Creek bridge and ca. 2.2 mi N
of int FL 40; Mormon Branch, Ocala NF, F. M. Arredondo Grant, T15S,
R26E; Juniper Springs 7.5' Quad.; 29° 11 '55"N, 81 °39'04"W. Elev.

5 ft. Soils - Terra Ceia (Typic Medisaprists). Community dominated
by Chamaecyparis thyoides - Sabal palmetto / lllicium parvifiorum.

Steve L. Orzell and Edwin L. Bridges 15734	7 November 1990

The University of Texas Herbarium (TEX-LL)