Thelypteris grandis A.R.Sm. var. grandis

  • Filed As

    Thelypteris grandis A.R.Sm. var. grandis

  • Collector(s)

    J. T. Mickel 8215, 19 Feb 1982

  • Location

    Dominican Republic. San Cristóbal. Prov. San Cristobal: eastern part of Cordillera Central, north of San Cristobal, 12.9-15.8 km N of the crossroads at Cambita El Cruce, in area called Pancholo.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1905140

    Occurrence ID: 78beb385-a54b-4461-802f-cf1cdfe99449

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region

    West Indies

  • Country

    Dominican Republic

  • State/Province

    San Cristóbal

  • Locality

    Prov. San Cristobal: eastern part of Cordillera Central, north of San Cristobal, 12.9-15.8 km N of the crossroads at Cambita El Cruce, in area called Pancholo.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 427 - 640 m. (1401 - 2100 ft.)

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

°"x ispaniola
NEW VOBif nm-_______
Thelypteris gv^v^is ft	^
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DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Prov. San Cristobal:
eastern part of Cordillera Central, north
of San Cristobal, 12.9-15.8 km N of the
crossroads at Cambita El Cruce, in area
called Pancholo. Roadsides and among cof-
fee. Forest completely destroyed. Eleva-
tion 1400-2100’.
19 Feb 1982
John T. Mickel, no. 8215
with P. Mickel, M. Mejia, & J. Pimentel