Amanita pseudoinculta Justo

  • Filed As

    Amanita pseudoinculta Justo ( holotype )

  • Collector(s)

    O. K. Miller 25066 with H. H. Miller, L. & M. Bailey, 03 Jul 1991

  • Location

    Australia. Western Australia. North of Perth, Mullering Brook, Brand Hwy, east side of Hwy, along an old track in the sand.

  • Habitat

    along an old track in the sand with E. calophylla & other sand plain shrubs on either side.

  • Description

    card mentioned on original notes; notes inide box from Justo 2009.

  • Specimen Notes

    MW pencilled on box lid; HOLOTYPE designation given by Justo 2009

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 01840397

    Occurrence ID: 35510eba-8864-4839-94d8-9f717053786d

  • GenBank

    GQ925375 (nrLSU)

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

  • Region


  • Country


  • State/Province

    Western Australia

  • Locality

    North of Perth, Mullering Brook, Brand Hwy, east side of Hwy, along an old track in the sand

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

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Amanita pseudoinculta VPI555 /OKM 25066 [HOLOTYPUS]
(originally identified as Torrendia arenaria)
Spores 12,7-17 x 5.2-6.8 pm (on average 14.8 x 6), cylindrical in frontal view, with broad, central
apiculus, hyaline, no amyloid. Q = 2-2.9 (avQ = 2.48). Clamp connections present in the
hyménium, stipe trama and universal veil. Oleiferous hyphae present.
Revised bÿ: A. Justo. Date: 18/VIII/2Ü09
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