Anthemis cotula L.

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    Anthemis cotula L.

Examined for Generic Flora of the Southeastern
United States Project

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Det. J. E. Arriagada
New York State Museum, 1997

American Weeds and Useful Plants,

Distributed by L. H. Pammel.

Vo, 44, Dog’s Fennel or May-weed (Anthem Cotula, L.) •Annual, In
fields, waste places, barnyards and feed lots, from the Atlantic
to the Pacific, especially eastward, but not in the extreme north,
Weedy also in Ea. Bull, Nev. Agrl. Exp, Sta, M, /, 57.
47:55 /, # Kansas 57:20, pi S f, tt. Ohio 83:357 /, 65, Rept,
New Jer. Agrl, Exp. Sta, 1890:427 pi 11, Oalif, 1890:245,
Yearbook U.S. Dept, Agrl, 1898:494, Watson and Coulter
Gray’s Man, 288, Britton Man, 1014,

Coll, L, H, Pammel, Ames, la,, Ang. 1904,