Antennaria rosea Greene

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    Antennaria rosea Greene

The New York

Botanical Garden copyright reserved

Harvard University, Gray Herbarium (GH)


Antennaria rosea Greene

Creeping plants with erect inflorescences, locally common,
phyllaries changing from red to pale pink with age.
Growing on a NE-facing slope in an open woodland in
loamy soil (Scotties gravelly loam to Osborn ashy sandy
loam, 30-60% slopes; loamy-skeletal to coarse-loamy,
isotic, frigid Andie Dystroxerepts), with Abies grandis,
Achillea millefolium, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Arnica sp.,
Calamagrostis rubescens, Carex geyeri, Ceanothis
velutinus, Fragaria virginica, Holodiscus discolor, Larix
occidentalis, Lathyrus sp., Lilium columbianum, Lupinus
sp., Pedicularis sp., Picea engelmannii, Pinus contorta, P.

monticola, P. ponderosa, Populus trichocarpa, Prunus
emarginata, Pseudotsuga menziesii, & Vaccinium sp. Just
E. of the crest of Blewett Pass, to the N. side of Rt. 97,
about 0. lmi E. of the Kittitas Co. line & about 15mi NE of
the intersection with Rt. 970. Wenatchee National Forest,
Chelan Co. Elev. about 4100ft. 47° 20' 05.5”N, 120° 34*
38.6”W. UTM 10 683021E, 5245223N (NAD83/WGS84).

Coll. Doug Goldman #3445
24 June 2005