Arnica chamissonis Less.

Herbarium of Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden
Plants of MONO Co., California, USA
Arnica chamissonis ssp. foliosa (Nutt.) Maguire
GLASS MOUNTAIN REGION: Deadman Creek: Between
Crestview and Big Springs Campground. Near 4WD Rd. crossing
creek N. of Owens River Rd. (Crestview quad: 37° 45.271'N, 118°
57.851'W; T2S R27E S23, SW/4 of SE/4). Alt.: 2244m/7360ft.
Perennial stream meandering W-E through gently rolling pumice
valley. Narrow riparian zone surrounded by dry uplands of
Artemisia tridentata, Purshia tridentata, Leptodactylon pungens,
and scattered Pinus contorta. Streamsides with Mimulus
primuloides, Taraxicum officinale, Salix.
Common and scattered along streamsides. Dominant Aster herb.
Michael Honer 546	15 Aug 2000
Entered into RSA Database (1413RSA)