Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L.

Ada Hayden Herbarium
Iowa State University
Flora of Iowa

Trinsacum riactvloides (L.) L.

Adair County: T75N R33W Section 23 SW4 NE4 SW4 NW4
UTM (NAD83,15T): 364264 East, 4571331 North

The Adair Wildlife Management Area is owned by the Iowa DNR and is about
2 8 miles west of Fontanelle. A complex of mesic tallgrass prairie remnants
teach less than 5 acres in size) occurs among deciduous forest, Eurasian hay
and crop ground. The prairies are on the Southern Iowa Drift Plain.

Trinsacum Hartvloides is locally common in an approximately 1 acre, average
Quality prairie on a south/southeast-facing slope. The main culms have already
lost some fruits. The axillary branches are more likely to have dry staminate
flowers on top of the fruits. In some cases the staminate flowers are in bloom
on the branches. Trinsacum dactvloides is associated with Chamaecrista
fasciculata, f-nreopsis tripteris. Elvmus canadensis. Helianthus riaidus. Liatris
pvcnostachva and Solidago canadensis.

Mark J. Leoschke 2573	July 19, 2005

Ron Munkel

Collected for the Wildlife Bureau of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources