Setariopsis auriculata (E.Fourn.) Scribn.

  • Filed As

    Setariopsis auriculata (E.Fourn.) Scribn.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1816081

    Occurrence ID: e6ca3b90-4d7f-4f74-bdc1-3828f3e64fd4

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®' 7 ® 9	The New York

copyright reserved BotanicalGarden i

D. E. Breedlove 51568

16 July 1981

Plants of Chiapas, Mexico

fv.far iopsib ai/riciA^i* (FbunO Scnfan.

dd-. Qai/iWse,

Steep walled canyon with Tropical
Deciduous Forest, Hauya, Euphorbia,
Diospyros, Cedrela, Trichilia and
Heliocarpus” above El Chorreadero.
Municipio of Chiapa de Corzo.

Elevation 800 m