Chusquea perotensis L.G.Clark, G.Cortés & Cházaro
Filed As
Chusquea perotensis L.G.Clark, G.Cortés & Cházaro -
NY Barcode: 1744550
Occurrence ID: 6087953f-585b-4f05-adc6-831f8430aee6
All Determinations
Location Notes
[Mexico & Central America]
HERBARIUM OF IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY MEXICO New York Botanical Garden 1744550 n The New York Botanical Garden TWe^ SKp cUrfc £ CorTeg ine di- dst. X. Londono Feb. 1995 "carrizo" Veracruz: ca. 4 km past Tonalaco on the road to Oxtlapa, lower slopes of Cofre de Perote. 2250 m. 97° 05' 45"W, 19° 25' 40"N. Cloud forest and clearings. Plants In discrete clumps that may be as much as 2 m across. Culms more or less erect but arching at tips, to 5-6 m tall, to 4 cm basal diameter. Intemodes hollow, 19-27 cm long, the walls ca. 0.5 cm thick on a culm 3.5 cm in diam., cylindrical, dark olive green becoming maroon with age. Buds evident even on the lowermost nodes, but they appear on alternate sides of the culm and extending more or less halfway around the node, then filling at successive nodes until a complete verticel is formed about mid-culm. Branching initially intravaginal, but the pressure of the developing verticel of branches quickly pushes the culm leaf away; branches erect then arching out and away from the culm. 23 January 1989 L. Clark, M. Chdzaro, P. Tenorio & G. Bol 463 Collected under the auspices of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Iowa State University, and the University of Wisconsin, Madison 1744550
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Chusquea perotensis L.G.Clark, G.Cortés & Cházaro