Panicum capillare L.

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The New York
---------------------copyright reserved Botanical Garden
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American Weeds and Useful Plants.
Distributed by L. H. Pammel.
No. 20. Old-witch grass (Panicum capillare, L.) Annual. Common in
dry soil especially in cultivated fields from Eastern Canada to
British Columbia, through Booby mountains in Utah, Nevada to
Texas to Florida. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agri, Div. Agros. 17:54.
f. S50. Ia St. Coll. Exp. Sta. 70:471. f. 124. Kansas. 57:31.
pi. 19. f. 192. Ohio 88:364, 869. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agri.
1896: 268 /. 65. Watson and Coulter Gray’s Man. 630. Brit-
ton Manual. 81.
Coll. W. S. Dudgeon, Ames, Iowa, Sept., 1904.
New York Botanical Garden