Muhlenbergia schreberi J.F.Gmel.

  • Filed As

    Muhlenbergia schreberi J.F.Gmel.

  • Collector(s)

    C. A. Weatherby 615 with A. W. Upham, 7 Sep 1936

  • Location

    United States of America. Connecticut. Woodstock.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1741832

    Occurrence ID: 88f6af42-10d2-4498-b32b-dacdbf223f64

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615. Mnhlenbergia Schreberi Gmel.
Syst Nat ii. 171 (1791); Beal, Grass. No. Am. ii. 245
(1896); Hitchc. in Gray, Man. ed. 7, 127 (1908) and in
Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. xvii. 295 (1913); Britton &
Brown, III. FI. ed. 2, i. 184, fig. 439 (1913); Rydb. FI.
Rocky Mts. 47 (1918); Small, Man. Se. FI. 99 (1933);
Hitchc. Man. Grass. U. S. 375, 893, fig. 778 A (1935)
and in N. Am. FI. xvii. 444 (1935).
Syn. Muhlenbergia (described without specific epithet)
Schreber, Gen. PI. i. 44 (1789). M. diffusa Willd. Sp.
PI. i. 320 (1798); Gray, Man. 580 (1848); Steud. Syn.
PI. Glum. i. 178 (1854); Chapm. FL So. U. S. 553
(1860); Britton & Brown, 111. FI. i. 144, fig. 327 (1896) ;
Small, FI. Se. U. S. 121 (1903). Dilepymm minuti-
florum Michx. Flor. Bor.-Am. i. 40 (1803). Cynodon
diffusus (Willd.) Raspail, Ann. ScL Nat v. 303 (1825).
M. minutiflora (Michx.) Hitchc. in Kans. Acad. Sci.
Trans, xiv. 140 (1896).
Shaded door-yard, Woodstock, Connecticut
Coll. C A Weatherbt, A. W. Upham. Sept 7,1936.