Lycopodium dichotomum Jacq.

18. Lycopodium dichotomum Jacq. Hort. Bot. Vind. 3: 26. pi.

43. 1776. (Type from Martinique.)

Range: Cuba (Wright 944), Hispaniola (Nash 680), Jamaica
(Clute 64), Dominica (Lloyd 506, 798, 809, 819), St. Kitts (Brit-
ton & Cowell 304), Grenada (Sherring), Guadeloupe (Dr. Madi-
ana), Martinique, St. Vincent (Smith 735), Mexico (Schaffner 3,
Pringle 3976), Guiana (Jemnan).

There is some degree of variation present in this species. We
were at first inclined to separate the St. Kitts plant as distinct and
with it would go the scrap from Guadeloupe here cited from the
Torrey herbarium. As noted above, Mr. Jenman confused the
plant which we have described as L. montanum with this species,
and then in his herbarium referred the Grenada plants really
belonging here to a new name, L. grenadense Jenm. It is prob-
ably more logical to consider all the forms as coming under a
single species.

CLueUxj^> t	fbujQjQ. T'm-y -CQ. 3^ ;

Urostachys mexicanus Hert. comb. nov. (Repert. Nov. Sp.
19; 164. 1923.) L. mexioanurn Hert. in Englers Bot. Jahrb. 43, Beibl.
98 (1909) 49 (Amer, cent.; loc.class. Mexico).
.Cuba; Jamaica; Haiti; Portorico.

iS. Lycopodium dichotomum Jacq. riort. .bot. Vind. 3: 26. pi.
45• 177^- (Type from Martinique.)

Range: Cuba (Wright 944), Hispaniola (Nash 680), Jamaica
( Clute 64), Dominica (Lloyd 306, 798,809, 819), St. Kitts (ïfrit-
ton & Cowell 304), Grenada (Sherring), Guadeloupe (Dr. Madi-


Pringle 3976), Gu:

There is some degree of variation present in this species. We
were at first inclined to separate the St. Kitts plant as distinct and
with it would go the scrap from Guadeloupe here cited from the
Torrey herbarium. As noted above, Mr. Jenman confused the
plant which we have described as L. montanum with this species,
and then in his herbarium referred the Grenada plants really
belonging here to a new name, L. grenadense Jenm. It is prob-
ably more logical to consider all the forms as coming under a
single species.

New York Botanical Garden
