Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka

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Collected for the Herbarium of CIIDIR-IPN Durango
And the Missouri Botanical Garden
DNA Voucher
Rhynchelytrum repens (Willd.) C. E. Hubb. Dupl. det. S.
González, 2004
MEXICO: Durango. Along Autopista 40, SW of Cuencam6, ca. km 44 E
of Durango. Coord: 24.19.67 N; 104.20.67 W; elev. ca. 1928 m.
Locally common along roadside. Silica gel dried leaves preserved at the
DNA Bank, Missouri Botanical Garden.
Robert Merrill King and
Robert M. Garvey No. 13501	September 26,2004