Sticherus jamaicensis (Underw.) Nakai

  • Filed As

    Sticherus jamaicensis (Underw.) Nakai

  • Collector(s)

    E. H. Day s.n., 1891

  • Location

    Jamaica. Main Ridge Gap.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1732427

    Occurrence ID: fd83c7d6-964e-4ac1-8334-554b3ddd5240

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Botanical Garden copyright reserved
Sticherus jamaicensis (Underw.) Nakai
Det. Jasivia Gonzales R. Gottingen, 2003
Fam. ¿P&ZcAesz/iCl'
Gen. ^¿C/KZ/zo/D^eris ofasnaice/zsts
Loc.	Gapj G/u/72aic<z.j TfijT.
Coll. by...Jfc.jE£Day Date /#?/
Department of Botany, Hunter College of the City of New York