Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) M.Fleisch.

  • Filed As

    Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) M.Fleisch.

  • Collector(s)

    W. R. Buck 59202, 02 Feb 2012

  • Location

    Chile. Magallanes. Antártica Chilena Prov. Cabo de Hornos. Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Gordon, extreme S end of SSW arm (westernmost) of Bahía Tres Brazos.

  • Habitat

    old-growth Nothofagus antarctica and N. betuloides forest along river. on riverside rock.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1733073

    Occurrence ID: a22afde1-2b9c-4b8e-8c4a-44f16288eaba

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Antártica Chilena Prov.

  • Locality

    Cabo de Hornos. Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Gordon, extreme S end of SSW arm (westernmost) of Bahía Tres Brazos

  • Coordinates

    -54.9914, -69.7567

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

The New York Botanical Garden^^Sewywr'
Cryptogams of Chile
Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (Hedw.) M. FleiscftT
on riverside rock
Prov. Antartica Chilena, Comuna Cabo de Hornos,
Parque Nacional Alberto de Agostini, Isla Gordon,
extreme S end of SSW arm (westernmost) of Bahia
Tres Brazos, 54°59’29"S, 69°45’24"W; old-growth
Nothofagus antarctica and N. betuloides forest along
2 February 2012
New York Botanical Garden
William R. Buck 59202
Sponsored by The National Science Foundation for a bryoflora of the Cape Horn Archipelago