Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth

Flora of Mexico
Estado Durango
Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth
East of Toll Road 40, 27.7 km NE of its intersection with
MX Hwy. 45 in the City of Durango. Wet to xeric silty-
clayey saline soils of vast salt-pan grassland, small
winding drainages, and shores of shallow lakes with
Distichlis spicata, Bouteloua gracilis, Sporobolus
airoides, Paspalum sp., Eleocharis sp., Juncus sp., Suaeda
sp., and Tagetes sp. Elev. 1860 m.
GPS - N24° 12’ 13.1” W104° 28’ 52.0” (NAD 83).
D.J. Rosen 4556	05 October, 2007
C. Reid, S. Gonzalez-Elizondo
S.M. Tracy Herbarium (TAES), Texas a & m University