Digitaria ischaemum (Schreb.) Muhl.

American Weeds and Useful Plants.
Distributed by ii. H. Pammel.
. 29. Panic grass (Panicum glabrum, Gaudin) Common in waste
places, sandy bottoms, fields and roadsides, especially trouble-
some in lawns from eastern Canada to South Dakota and Kansas
to Florida. Introduced from Europe. Bull. Tenn. Agrl. Exp.
Sta. 7 :38, f. 87. Nev. 47:83, f. 85. Iowa 70:310. /. 16. Division
Agros. U. S. Dept. Agrl. 7:48, f. 37. (Pig. apparently that of P.
filiforme). P. lineare) Beal Grasses of N. Am. 2 :110. (Synther-
isma linearis, (Krock) Nash. Britton and Brown. HI. Flora,
1, f. $41. Watson and Oonlter, Gray’s Man. 630. Britton
Man. 77.
Coll., h. H. Pammel, and H. S. Fawcett, Ames, la., Sept. 1904.