Paspalum plicatulum Michx.

Paspalum plicatulum Michx.
,'1<T JCONOMIC' PXANTS OF !PHE ?W0fcID ' *“ - •'
pistributed.riiy 6»i1 «JBake^,
NoV 34 Pa&paluun plicatulum MX* form
\	MiehaUx, FI. Bor. Amer. I, 45
Collected in October, 1906, at Santiago jn|B
-3?©gasf Guba?_ by C»?*Baker*
The forms of:.-this species, of which there are
several-appearing to be very distinct in the fieia
as$?the, most abundant grasses in certain larae fcSifej
Of Cubas^pastures, on the r«%lahds and also in II!® ’
savannah#. . Only the, young erf leaves are eatJtT&SP
cattle,, the ,o3der becoming*.stiff“ and harsh.