Dichanthelium scoparium (Lam.) Gould
Filed As
Dichanthelium scoparium (Lam.) Gould -
NY Barcode: 1715913
Occurrence ID: 8b1fa6d8-6d1b-460e-a7bc-35d4e380a844
All Determinations
Location Notes
[US & Canada]
New York Botanical Garden 1715113 TRUMAN G. YUNCKER HERBARIUM OF DEPAUW UNIVERSITY (DPU) PURCHASED BY NY IN 1987 [gW YOf? BOTANICAL ,®ARDEti DEPAUW UNIV. HERBARIUM 54193 PLANTAE EXSICCATAE GRAYANAE 619. Panicum scoparium Lam. Encycl. iv. 744 (1798); Steud. Syn. PI. Glum. i. 91 (1854); Chapm. FI. So. U. S. 575 (1860); Watson & Coulter in Gray, Man. ed. 6, 632 (1890); Beal, Grass. No. Am. ii. 143 (1896); Small, FI. Se. U. S. 102 (1903) and Man. Se. FI. 79 (1933); Hitchc. & Chase in Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. xv. 294, fig. 333 (1910) and xviii. 332 (1917); Britton & Brown, III. FI. ed. 2, i. 159, fig. 377 (1913); Nash & Hitchc. in N. Am. FI. xvii. 279 (1915); Hitchc. Man. Grass. U. S. 654, fig. 1445 (1935). Syn. P. pubescent Lam. Encycl. iv. 748 (1798). P. viscidum Ell. Bot. S. Car. & Ga. i. 123, t. 7, fig. 3 (1816); Gray, Man. 613 (1848); Britton & Brown, 111. FI. i. 121, fig. 266 (18%). P. pauciflorum Bose in Spreng. Syst. Veg. i. 313 (1825), in synon. P. laxiflorum var. pubes- cens (Lam.) Chapm. FI. So. U. S. ed. 3, 586 (1897). Forming very large stools (about 50 culms each). In pure sand of dunes, Dam Neck, south of Virginia Beach, Princess Anne County, Virginia. Coll. L. B. Smith, A. R. Hodgdon. June 16, 1936. 1715913
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Dichanthelium scoparium (Lam.) Gould