Satyria warszewiczii Klotzsch

  • Region

    Central America

  • Country


  • Locality

    Chiriquí-Bocas del Toro border: Trail along continental divide, ca. 2 km along side road W off main road to Chiriquí Grande at border; 12.8 km N of Sitio de Presa.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1190 - 1400 m. (3904 - 4593 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    8.8, -82.2

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Satyrìa warszewiczu Klotzsch
det. E. Ann Powell, 2005
Wake Forest University (WFU), USA
Satyrìa ventricosa Luteyn
det. James L. Luteyn, 2001
The New York Botanical Garden (NY)
The New York Botanical Garden
Panama. Chiriqui-Bocas del Toro border: Trail along
continental divide, ca. 2 km along side road W off main
road to Chiriqui Grande at border; 12.8 km N of Sitio de
Presa. Ca. 8°48’N, 82°12’W. Ca. 1190-1400 m.
Premontane cloud forest.
Liana, climbing at least 6-7 m up tree. Inflorescence
cauliflorous along stems ca. 3 inches diam. Pedicel, calyx
and lower 3/4 of corolla orange; upper corolla green.
Rare. [DNA; pickled].
James L. Luteyn 14828
7 Feb 1996