Chusquea liebmannii E.Fourn.

The New York Botanical Garden
Luub two. nnii
M*. k.G. CiajrL ¿'-rye)
New York Botanical Garden
D. E. Breedlove 54116
G. Davidse
30 October 1981
r i	Plants of Chiapas, Mexico . mmmM
-O rl U %^y g.0 he.Vgtfei Huoiic,G>. 0<avi’<*5£ I9?S
Culms to 10'to 12 meters tall, erect
base, arching above in trees. Young
culms glaucous, waxy, woven, 4 to 6
nodes pgr shprt spur.
Ridge with Pinus and Quercus and
streams with Seasonal Evergreen
Forest, 23 km west of Las Cruces
along road to La Mina Microwave
Station. Municipio of Cintalapa.
Elevation 870 m