Crotalaria verrucosa L.

OCR>>>ECONOMIC PLANTS ,01? THE WORLD ■ Distributed by C.31.Baker
‘fro;* 27 Crotalaria verrucosa 1.
' Linnaeus, Sp. Pi. 715
...Cqlle.dted in August 1907, at Santiago do las |?$gas CUiak, Joy- Cfs-P, Baker.
v’f Growii. f rom seed from Bèli3e, Britisii Honduras. Tested* a$rone ^so iIL-renOvat 1 hg plants * and' found £o have Jp£$e valuable points - among; them a high #e& is tane e to insect attack* But in vernali beds'¿it would also not be without value as an ornamental*/¡Ife and.its great hardiness might reeomnend it under ^ certain conditions’*<<<OCR