Cassipourea guianensis Aubl.

OCR>>>sis appears to agree with the description of E. oppo-ow (1863) (see also Bomstein, 1989a: 280; 1989b:
ipicacity to identify Endosteira from the description, apparently did he see original material. Turczaninow versity of Charkow (Stafleu & Cowan, 1986; Fryxell ) and his herbarium and types are now at KW (for-if his are also at Leningrad (LE). The herbarium and director of the St. Vincent Botanic Garden (1816-ld additional Caley collections are known to be in E,
nal Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
The New York Botanical Garden Endosteira oppositifolia Turcz.<<<OCR